Sunday 13 October 2024

Mindset Development - Jack’s Mindset - Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman - Empowering And Inspiring Generations - Empowerment and Inspiration

 Greetings to one and all. My name is Olayinka Carew aka Jack Lookman. I’m a Digital Entrepreneur. I shall be talking about:

Mindset Development. 

1. My Approach/Methodology 

My approach shall be to do some explanations in part 1 and then share useful case studies in part 2 and then I leave you to ponder the different mindsets at play, in part 3.

2. Expectation Management 

This presentation shall not be technical or academic; it shall be the exploration of mindset from the perspective of a senior citizen. The intention is that you focus on the ideas being shared rather than on the details of it. The presentation shall be in 2 parts, the full complement of content in text and video shall also be available at search for Sharing and Caring Committee.

3. What is Mindset? 

It’s basically about a person’s way of thinking and how they interpret and respond to situations.

4. What are the Different Types of Mindsets? 

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Some examples are growth mindset, fixed mindset, scarcity mindset, social mindset, confidence mindset, creative mindset, gratitude mindset, entrepreneurial mindset, etc.

5. What’s a Fixed Mindset?

It’s the belief, that a person’s natural abilities are fixed and unchangeable. People with such mindsets are generally inflexible.

6.What’s an Entrepreneurial Mindset? 

It’s a mindset that helps one succeed as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs see problems and think of ways and means to solve them and to profit from doing so.

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7. What’s a Positive Mindset? 

It’s a way of thinking that focuses on the good in any situation while still acknowledging the bad.

8. What’s a Constructive Mindset? 

It’s a way of thinking that is characterised by positivity, resilience and effective problem-solving skills.


9. Benefits of a Constructive Mindset 

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Constructive mindsets are of great benefit; they could benefit one and all. They could create thriving societies and bring out the best in us. They could improve societal value. They could raise those lagging behind, and help the successful to soar. Constructive mindsets could help one and all to move in positive directions. Even though it’s a mindset, it could literally move mountains.

10. What’s a Negative Mindset? 

It’s a way of thinking that could negatively impact your life, relationships, health, decision-making, as well as those around you.

11. What’s a Gratitude Mindset? 

Jack’s Mindset 

It shifts your focus from yourself, to others. It makes you feel thankful for what you have rather than ungrateful what you don’t have. 

12. Gratitude Mindset

In as much as we have problems individually and collectively, showing gratitude goes a long way. As you show gratitude for what you have, the chances are that you’ll get more. What you get may not be what you expected and it may not be when you expected; it may not be from who you expected; but it could be more than you expected. 

Sometimes, what you get may be peace of mind, protection against calamity, words of wisdom that could change your life, opportunities that you never dreamed of, etc. 

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My reality check may surprise you. While my Facebook was active, I used to get pictures usually of deformed or disabled people; the caption would read ‘It’s my birthday today, all I ask is for a good wish,’ - the message was simple but quite profound; and most of the pictures would have them smiling.

I had the choice to block the content, but what I decided was to continue receiving them and to say a word of prayer. 

Each time I’m tempted to compare myself to those with greater success; when I’m tempted to question my Creator; when I’m tempted to blame everyone and anyone for my predicament; these daily reminders put me in check to be thankful for what I have, and to be thankful for who I am. 

Jack’s Life Lessons For Teenagers 

As a result, I have decided to be the best version of myself, and make the intentional effort to make a positive difference, with the hope that similar little efforts by one and all could make the world a better place.

13. What’s a Growth Mindset? 

It’s a belief that a person’s abilities can be improved, through effort, learning and persistence.

14. Cultivating a growth mindset 

The journey may not be smooth; you’ll face challenges, disappointment, and difficulties. You may feel like giving up; but achievers go through all of these. 

The difference between success and failure, is sometimes self-belief and never giving up in the face of the so many obstacles. 

Some leverage mentors, some carry out extensive research, some arm themselves with knowledge, some move around with positive associates and all focus on the ball, to achieve their desired goals. 

By intentionally educating yourself, you could achieve great results. 

Empowerment and Inspiration 

By creating and consuming beneficial content, you could be empowered. 

Sharing and explaining the bigger picture could make a big difference. By ingraining our younger ones with positivity, the nurturing could yield wonderful fruits.

15. Causes of Negative Mindsets

These could include mistreatment, bad experiences,disappointment, mental health challenges, mistrust, societal factors, undesirable social interaction, propaganda, choice of associates, etc.

16. Managing challenges in Nigeria 

Nigeria has challenges in different phases of endeavour, so do other countries in Africa and globally. Nigeria churns out loads of graduates from universities, etc; Most of them are trained to seek employment, forgetting that they could actually be employers. 

If we try individually and collectively to find solutions to the problems at hand, there’s a chance that we could benefit financially, as well as export solutions. We could leverage resources as well as our strengths. The internet could be a useful tool, as well as technology. 

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We could collaborate and execute solutions to our problems, even though problems may never end, but be converted from one form to another. 

It’s important to do our best and pass on the baton. 

17. Embracing And Overcoming Challenges 

Life is not a bed of roses; it comes with constant challenges. Challenges don’t respect anyone, whether they are successful or not. They also don’t respect countries whether they are developed or not. You may be aware that just as the poor cry, so do the rich. As we all have challenges, it may be worth noting how we manage or respond to them. It’s important to reflect on the problem, strategise, find solutions and put systems and structures in place to avoid re-occurrences. In strategic terms you’ll need to have your plans A, B, and C, where plans B and C are backups. 

Becoming Organised

We need to invest in resources for sound advice and implementation. We need to educate our human resources with useful intentional knowledge. We need to prepare our minds for realities and eventualities. If we fail to plan, we’ll effectively plan to fail. Planning is important, and execution is also of great importance. 

This is a constructive mindset to adopt in overcoming challenges.

18. Gift from Jack Lookman Limited 

Have you browsed our products and services? Have you checked our various platforms? You could find the links at 

Do they resonate with you? Will 1-hour of free mentoring be beneficial? If so, please visit Jack’s Mentoring 101 at the offer is limited. 

This is the end of part one.




19. Welcome To Part 2 

We shall cover case studies in this part.

20. Case Study - Treasury Secretary 

While in the religious group, I volunteered as the treasury secretary, and my major role was to collect donations, account for them, and bank them. 

There was an incident that I wish to share. At the prayer group, we met every Sunday. The prayer mats were not in good condition. The welfare secretary decided to crowdfund for the purpose of replacing them. 

Submission, Gratitude, Faith and Hope 

As a point of note, there was fraud in the prayer group a few years before, hence, a lot of members became apprehensive. What we did as executive officers, was to be transparent. We reckoned that this would build trust and enable the execution of the project. So, each week we published the income generated. I’m unsure if we included the donors. 

But the interesting thing is that even after we collected our targeted income, additional members continued to donate, as they wished to be a part of that success story.

The key learnings are the shift in thinking, the impact of communication, the impact of trust, the impact of strategy, the impact of leadership, the impact of execution, and the impact of transparency. 

What mindsets do you think were at play?

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21. Case study - Asiwaju Sam Harvard

He’s one of the big players in digital marketing in Nigeria and Africa. He spent about 5 - 7 years in a Nigerian university studying physics, and probably ended up with a 3rd class. 

His passion was not in physics but to make money and make an impact. As he continued his academic pursuits, just to tick the boxes; he stumbled on Affiliate Marketing while browsing YouTube. He was fascinated by it and saw the potential, especially in Nigeria. He spent time and effort learning and sweating; he continued during the day and at night. He penned down thoughts and strategised; he harnessed resources to accomplish his aim. He involved stakeholders who believed in his dream. He eventually made it big and is now accomplished.

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Some key learnings from his story are the opportunity that knocked; his proactiveness, his vision, finding ways and means to accomplish this, and after making it big, he decided to mentor others as part of his give back, as well as to further monetise.

What mindsets do you think were at play?

22. Case Study - Linda Ikeji  

She’s a very celebrated Nigerian blogger. Probably one of the top bloggers in Africa. She had humble beginnings and went through different challenges in her teenage years. She went into modelling to support the family, and did different jobs just for survival. 

She’s a creative and very introverted. She loved writing, and this led her to publish her 1st book at about age 11. 

Poverty and adversity played roles in whom she’s become. She stumbled into blogging and developed her interests. She had her fair share of challenges but has a great fighting spirit. She made sacrifices just to make ends meet. Her life purpose isn’t about fame or money, it’s about giving back and making positive impact, especially to younger girls. And the icing on the cake is that she’s a Great Akokite!

What mindsets could have been at play?

23. Case Study - Mike Adenuga

He’s presumably the 2nd richest man in Nigeria. He’s hardworking, consistent, self-disciplined, and smart. He has multiple income streams. He studied business administration and initially worked in his father’s business. He started in the oil and gas sector and diversified into real estate, banking, communications, media and entertainment, etc. 

Videos - Jack Lookman - Empowerment and Inspiration 

He’s a shrewd and successful businessman. He is also a philanthropist. He’s very determined and has a great entrepreneurial spirit.

What mindsets do you think he has?

24. Case Study - Muhammad Ali 

Most of us are probably aware of Muhammad Ali, who was famously known for his boxing exploits; ‘dancing like a butterfly and stinging like a bee.’ 

I wish to zoom-in on his famous fight with George Foreman. 

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George Foreman was presumably stronger and probably more favoured to win. Muhammad Ali started the fight outside the ring and explored psychology by leveraging his mouth and mind. He had a fight plan to protect his face and head and to keep George Foreman busy with doing body punches. Before the fight, he and his team understudied George’s weakness; they knew that he’d get tired sooner or later. As the rounds progressed, George became tired. Muhammad Ali then began his onslaught and knocked out George Foreman. It was a classic example of the brain over power.

Were there any mindset issues at play?

25. Case Study - Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore 

He became prime minister at age 35 and was very popular. He transformed Singapore by making strategic decisions. He ensured that politicians were well-paid, but instilled a zero tolerance for corruption. 

He initially attracted talent globally, and later on became an exporter of talent. 

Singapore was a breakaway from Malaysia. They have a population of about 5 million. He introduced good governance and created systems and structures to attract investors. After his spell as prime minister, he became a senior minister and mentor minister. 

Up until his later years, he was still very relevant in governance and politics. 

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He created an enabling environment to get the best for Singapore. 

He had his fair share of challenges, but he overcame them.

What types of mindset could he have?

26. The Bargainer

There was the case of a buyer who needed to purchase gifts for children. The seller who was obviously a struggler, gave the asking price of £5. The buyer continually bargained until it was £1, and was willing to continue bargaining. 

You could see the body language of the seller. He just needed to survive. 

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The buyer smiled, and so did the seller. The buyer was happy with his bargaining. The seller’s thoughts were different. 

As the buyer continued his bargaining, an onlooking person purchased the lot and gave the seller £10 instead of £5. Does this situation resonate with you?

What were the mindsets at play?



27. The Employee and The Promotion

An employer advertised a position for the post of senior marketing officer. It was an internal advertisement. Three officers applied for the post; the older member of staff is employee 1. The 2nd and 3rd are employees 2 and 3. 

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On the day of the test, only employees 1 and 2 showed up. Employee 1 has been in the company for 10 years, while employee 2 joined 2 years ago.  Employee 1 is about 10 years older than employee 2. At the end of the test, employee 2 was successful. Employee 1 complained of favouritism and tendered his letter of resignation. 

The employer then sat him down, and showed him both test answers. Whereas employee 1 only had 1 word or one phrase answers, employee 2 wrote pages, not only answering the questions but making suggestions on improvement. 

At the end of the explanation, employee 1 prostrated and agreed with the decision.

He was offered further training, and was given additional incentives for his loyalty.

What mindsets were at play?

This ends part 2. 

Part 3 - Reflection 

What do you consider to be the mindsets at play for each of the case studies? Either overtly or covertly?

Please feel free to mention mindsets not included in this presentation.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle 

Youtube channel: Jack Lookman  

Watch the full compliment of videos 

  • Courses by Jack Lookman Limited 
  • Becoming Organised
  • Mindset
  • Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+) 

  • Jack Lookman Limited Websites
  • Jack Lookman On Social media 
  • Jack Lookman Paperbacks

Books by Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman Limited Websites

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

Jack’s Mentoring 101  - 18+ only

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only 

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman 

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The change that we aim is generational.

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At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet.