Tuesday 24 September 2024

291 - 300 Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project - Jack Lookman - Empowerment and Inspiration - empowering & inspiring generations

 291. How Will You Manage Affluence And Wealth?

Jack’s Marriage Project

Buy - Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project - https://amzn.to/3X0fg2n

Are you one of those blessed? With wealth and affluence? Do you have in great measure, what so many desire? Are you prepared for these? Do you use it wisely? Do you add value to others? The needy and the poor? Do you add value to society, leaving a worthwhile legacy? Do you make positive impact, in your life and death? Will you squander the gifts, becoming arrogant and oppressive? Is the gift only for you, just for a short while? Will you let the blessing, turn into a curse? Could you change your mindset, for the benefit of all?

292. Is Your Spouse Trustworthy?

Do you still trust your spouse? Is he trustworthy? Could he be trusted with women? Could he be trusted with money? Could he be trusted with secrets, or may be with the children? Could he be trusted with authority, or whatever be it?

Is you spouse the same as you dreamed, or has his personality changed?

Will you address this situation, by finding a solution? Or will you cover his shortcomings, and live in peace and tranquility?

293. Will You Let External Factors Control Your Marriage?

Do you tell your family situations, to every one and all? Each time someone coughs, or drinks a glass of water? Do you spread your secrets, necessary and not? Do you seek advice, from those you shouldn’t? Could they in the process, control your family? Throwing spanners in your wheel, at their very convenience? Do they add value, or do they add pain? Is it worth considering, those with whom you share? Or will you continue sharing, until it eventually wrecks you?

294. Does Marriage Entail Sacrifice?

Marriages generally entail a lot of sacrifice. And your children remain your ‘children’ for life. Marriage entails a lot of tolerance and a lot of diplomacy. When the kids are young, there may be lots of sleepless nights. When you plan your outings, you need to factor in the family unit. when there are material needs, you need to find a way of providing them. When the kids or spouse are sick, you need to provide care. When emotional and spiritual care is required, you need to provide this. The list may go on. In summary, marriage isn’t a bed of roses, you need to  sacrifice, with the hope of gaining rewards.

295. If Your Children Don’t Listen …

Do you have great children? Well mannered and behaved? The dream of many parents. But the major challenge, is their attention span. You tell them so much, but they don’t listen. They may hear you, but the words quickly disappear in the winds. You repeat yourself time and again; but the efforts are mostly futile.

Could this be a big problem, if not quickly addressed? Could it impact them sooner or later, in school and later life? Are there solutions to the problem? May be you could research this. Or is the answer to the puzzle, blowing in the wind?

296. If Your Children Become Financially Successful …

Sometimes, parents are poor, or not financially wealthy; but may be compensated with wealthy children.

If your children fall into that category, how will you manage it? Will you be ever demanding? Will you manage expectations? Will you ask them to set you up, to reduce demands? Will you help in honestly managing the wealth? Will you guide them in administering the wealth? Will you explore ways and means to get a big share of it? Will you line up family and friends to squander the wealth? Will you pray for guidance in spending it? Will you pray-for, and protect your children?

If your children become wealthy, what will you do?

297. Is There A Need For Multiple Income Streams?

Are you in a good job? Enjoying the good life? Squandering your money, as if there’s no tomorrow? Comfortably seated on that chair? Giving orders to subordinates?

Be mindful of life. It may or may not last. Life sometimes happens, destroying great foundations. Your job may end sooner than anticipated. Younger and stronger ones may take over. Artificial intelligence may threaten your job. There could be sickness or conflict.

If any of these rear heads get raised, will you be prepared? Will you have your plan b and c? Will you have multiple income streams? Will you invest in varied businesses, carefully and smartly chosen? Will you encourage your spouse? As well as your children? Will you save a lot of grain? In readiness for possible draughts? Will you empower trusted others? Those who have a lot of time? Working collaboratively on businesses? For the benefit of all? Will you carry out due diligence? To avoid money going to waste? Will you manage risks? Taking calculated decisions? Or is all this too complex? You have one life to live.

298. If Your Marriage Succeeds …

If your marriage is successful, what will you do? Will you be thankful and humble? Will you look down on those with failed marriages? Will you share best practices as necessary? Will you share pitfalls to avoid? Will our continually pray for guidance, wisdom and grace? Will you brag to one and all? Will you be eternally grateful?

If your marriage succeeds, how will you react? 

299. If Your Children Are Disrespectful …

Do you have wonderful children, beautiful on the outside, but not so much in the inside? Whenever you instruct, they become rebellious. They try to claim rights, they call it freedom. This may be due to Social media, television and their friends. They erode family values, and sometimes become verbally aggressive.

What will you do to address such situations? 

Will you become aggressive? Will you become physical? Will you act with wisdom? Will you seek help? Will you take action with your spouse? Will you consult professionals? Will you have deep discussions? Will you guide them on consequences? Will you purchase ‘Jack’s 50 Life Lessons For Teenagers’ from amazon.co.uk? Will you signpost them to lifelessonsforteenagers.com? Will you pray for help and guidance? Will you send them out of the house? Will you starve them? Will you report them to their Teachers? Or refer them to Psychologists? Will you be proactive or reactive? Will your actions be beneficial or otherwise?

If your children become disrespectful, what will you do?

300. Eating Habits

What eating habits do you promote in the home? Do you indulge yourself in junk food? Do you eat regularly in restaurants? Do you eat ‘cold’ meals? Do you eat home made meals? Do you eat healthily? Do you eat measured proportions? Do you have food time tables? Do you eat balanced diets? Do you drink unhealthily? Do you waste food? Do you over-eat? Or do you eat just enough? Do you eat variety of dishes? Or do you repeat the very few? Do your habits promote productivity? And add value to life? Do they indirectly, impact society? Would they impact your children, positively or negatively?

What are your eating habits? Are they desirable? Or nothing to talk about?

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy - Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project - https://amzn.to/3X0fg2n

Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle and  Rita Nnamani 

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