Thursday 26 September 2024

321 - 330 Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project - Jack Lookman - Empowerment and Inspiration - Empowering & Inspiring Generations

 321. Could Culinary Skills Benefit The Family?

Jack’s Marriage Project

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Are you a good cook? Do you cook great meals? Could you family cook, or they are better at eating? Could you share your skills, or invest in a coach? 

Could the learning be of benefit sooner or later? Could it save money, could it be a side hustle? Could you eat quality and quantity too? Could you eat healthily as well as hygienically? Could culinary skills benefit the family? 

322. Are Your Intentions For The Common Good?

When you get married, are your intentions good? Is it for selfish reasons or the common good? When the going is rough, will you still hang in? During pain and sickness, will you be found? When life throws challenges, will you run away? When you see someone more attractive, will you change your boat?

Is it all about you, and just you alone? Will your language change, at the slightest ill wind? Or will you be there through thick and thin, sailing the tides of life till the end?

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323. If You Have Children Outside Marriage

If you have children outside marriage, before of while therein; will you share this with your spouse? Or keep it top secret? Will you try to minimise the pain? Or will it get postponed? Will that hidden truth, come be known sooner or later? Is it better to come out straight? And manage or bare the consequences? Or will you rather live with guilt, killing yourself slowly forever? Could you involve relevant others, to mediate and break the truce? Or is it a burden you’d rather lift, living in deceit and mischief?

324. Do You Lead By Words Or By Example?

In order to pass your message, to your spouse, your children, or others. Do you rely on verbal instructions? Do you rely on body language? Or do you rely on ‘talking the talk and walking the walk?’

When you lead by example, the odds are that you shall be taken more seriously. You’ll also be in a better position to manage expectations. By doing the actions, you have a feel of the complexity, the effort required as well as the skills. You’ll also get first hand knowledge of its intricacies.

By just giving instructions and not having a feel of the action, you’ll probably not be as effective as otherwise, may end up being taken for a ride.

325. Will You Send Your Spouse To An Early Grave?

Your spouse is meant to be your companion; your comforter, your lover, your supporter, etc. 

Do you make life unnecessarily difficult for your spouse? Does your spouse need to take solace outside? Is your spouse unhappy when you’re present? Does your spouse relate with you? Do you add value to their life? Have you lost the spark of love? Could things be made better? Could this be done intentionally? Could you enact a plan? And find a solution? Will you unconsciously, drive your spouse to an early grave?  Will you love to be a widow? Or probably a widower? Is the grass greener, on the other side? Is all the glitter really gold? Will you bring up the children alone, with the chance that they’ll be unhappy? Will you plant a never ending negative mindset as a result of your doings? Will you make the children become early orphans?

Or will you stop and reflect, and change the narrative to good?

326. If Your Child Is Lazy

Is your child lazy? Not being active? Wanting others to work, while he sits and watches. Even though he’s able, he wouldn’t contribute to the domestic chores. Each time you tell him, he wears an ugly frown. But when food is ready, or it’s time for enjoyment. He is number one on the list, you can’t beat him to it. He has no health challenges, he’s just pure lazy.

How will you deal with this? Will you incentivise and sanction? Will you study his strengths? Will you give him tasks, that he’ll find enjoyable? Will you consult with others? And learn best practice? Will you leverage his strengths, giving him work he enjoys? Will you create competition, between the siblings? Will you speak with him, or refer him for counselling? Will you kneel and pray, seeking Divine help? Or will you simply watch, as the days and years go by?

327. Will You Betray A Loved One?

Are you a confidant of a loved one? Do you have access to his secrets? Did he hold you in high esteem? Entrusting you with secrets? 

Did your relationship go sour? Each going separate ways. And what happens to the secrets? Do you weaponise it? Do you spread the secrets, for the winds to blow far and wide? Do you use it as a tool for blackmail, to get anything you need? Could there be a day, which will come to hunt you? Does the changed relationship, imply a breach of trust? Is there a chance, that you may need each other again? Will you be mature, and play it cool? Could all the going around, eventually come around? 

328. Will You Reconcile After Divorce?

If your marriage fails, and you get divorced. If you had the need, to go separate ways. If the expected glitter, was indeed not gold. If your spouse, makes attempts to return.

Will you accept the reconciliation? Will you move on with your life? Will you discharge your duties, as much as you can? Will it be never, and never again? Will you forgive; and forget the past? Will you reconcile, for the sake of the children? Will it be once bitten, and twice shy? Are you already happy with your new life? Will you explore your options, and give conditions? Or will you let the past remain where it is?

329. Do You Empower And Inspire Your Family?

Do you intentionally add value to the family? Do you share knowledge and experiences that life has taught? Do you impart these, in user-friendly ways? Do you empower and inspire, and celebrate wins? Do you empathise, when things don’t go to plan? Do you research best practice, and encourage others too? Do you share experiences and a lot of what you learn? Are you there for each other in times of sadness? Do you celebrate together, in times of joy? Are you support systems for each other? Could you live happily as one great union?

330. Will You Invest In Your Children’s Tomorrow?

How do you invest for your children? Do you invest cash? Do you teach them life skills? Do you invest in their education? Do you invest in their spirituality? Do you invest in their mindset? Do your teach morals? Do you teach them domestic skills? 

Is there so much to teach? Or will the Teacher teach? Remember that your children were entrusted to you. It is for you, to make the best of them.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy - Marital Food For Thought - Jack’s Marriage Project -

Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle and  Rita Nnamani 

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