Sunday 20 October 2024

12. IMPORTANCE OF PACING YOURSELF - Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment - Empowering Undergraduates - Jack Lookman - Rita Nnamani


For good reasons, the undergraduate experience is sometimes compared to a marathon as opposed to a sprint. In the context of higher education, the value of learning to pace yourself cannot be emphasised. Throughout your academic career, maintaining a steady, sustainable pace is essential for long-term success, wellbeing, and personal development.

Jack’s Empowerment 

Pacing requires thoughtful prioritisation and time management. It all comes down to striking the correct balance between your social life, extracurricular activities, academic obligations, spirituality and personal time. Everybody has a different definition of balance, and part of the college experience is figuring out what suits you the best. It’s crucial to keep in mind that while under-challenging oneself can result in missed opportunities for progress, taking on too much too quickly can lead to burnout.

Becoming Organised

Understanding how to set reasonable expectations and goals is a crucial part of pace. This entails dividing up more complex projects into smaller, more manageable tasks, establishing intermediate deadlines, and factoring in extra time in case difficulties arise. It also entails learning to say no to obligations that could jeopardise one’s general well-being or academic achievement, as well as being honest with oneself about personal boundaries.

Jack’s Mentoring 101 

Recuperation and rest are essential components of efficient pacing. Students require breaks to refuel and assimilate what they’ve learned, just as athletes require rest days to function at their peak. This could be planning frequent breaks from studying, getting enough sleep, or setting aside time each week for hobbies and relaxation.

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

Recognising that progress is not always linear, is another aspect of pacing. There will be bursts of activity and then lulls, and that’s acceptable. The secret is to preserve a sustainable rhythm throughout time, making adjustments as needed in response to evolving circumstances and personal development. Undergraduates can achieve better ease, happiness, and success in their academic path by developing their pacing skills.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Thank you for your contribution: Rita Nnamani

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  • Becoming Organised
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  • Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+) 

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