Sunday 20 October 2024

13. EXPLORING PEER COACHING - Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment - Empowering Undergraduates - Jack Lookman - Rita Nnamani - Ire o


A cutting-edge method of education and self-improvement that is gaining popularity in undergraduate settings is peer coaching. Under this concept, students help and mentor one another while exchanging success techniques, experiences, and knowledge. Peer coaching is a reciprocal connection in which both parties gain from the exchange, in contrast to traditional mentorship.

Jack’s Mentoring 101 

The relatability aspect of peer coaching is one of its main advantages. Companion students frequently have comparable difficulties and can provide pertinent, timely guidance based on their own recent experiences. Since there is typically less apprehension when addressing peers rather than formal advisers or professors, peer-to-peer interaction can foster a more relaxed atmosphere for discussing issues or seeking advice.

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

Peer coaching has the potential to greatly improve learning outcomes. Students strengthen their own understanding when they clarify ideas to others. This phenomenon, referred to as the “protégé effect,” might result in increased knowledge retention and comprehension. Additionally, coaching others can aid in the development of critical soft skills like empathy, leadership, and communication.

Jack Lookman’s Websites 

Peer coaching provides the learner receiving coaching with personalised support and other viewpoints. It can support the development of study techniques, time management abilities, or social skills necessary for navigating college life. In addition, peer coaches can act as accountability partners, assisting one another in maintaining focus on both academic and personal objectives.

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

Undergraduates who are interested in peer coaching can look for official programs offered by their university or take the effort to establish casual coaching partnerships with fellow students. Open communication, respect for one another, and a sincere desire to help one another succeed, are essential components of any effective peer coaching program, whether it is formal or informal.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Thank you for your contribution: Rita Nnamani

Youtube channel: Jack Lookman 

  • Courses by Jack Lookman Limited 
  • Becoming Organised
  • Mindset
  • Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+) 

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  • Jack Lookman Paperbacks

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Jack’s Mentoring 101  - 18+ only

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only 

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