Monday 21 October 2024

17. BENEFITS OF ROUTINES - Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment - Empowering Undergraduates - Jack Lookman - Rita Nnamani - Olayinka Carew


Creating and upholding routines can significantly improve an undergraduate’s ability to navigate the frequently turbulent waters of college life. A well organised schedule gives everyday tasks a framework, which promotes stability and control in the face of the unpredictable demands of social and academic life.

Jack’s Empowerment 

Better time management is one of the main advantages of routine. It is simpler to manage time effectively when specific activities, like study sessions or workouts, are planned on a regular basis. As a result of spending less time deciding on what to do next, productivity may rise. Establishing routines can also aid in the development of positive habits, such as consistent study habits, regular sleep schedules, or wholesome eating practices.

Jack Lookman Limited 

Establishing routines can significantly lower stress and anxiety. A well-defined schedule for the day or week removes a lot of the ambiguity that might lead to stress. This consistency can be especially consoling during times of stress, such as test seasons. Furthermore, establishing regular self-care routines guarantees that, despite academic demands, one’s own wellbeing is not overlooked.

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

Routines help many students produce higher-quality work. For example, regular study sessions might enhance concentration and memorisation. The brain can focus more readily when it recognises a given period of time as “study time.” A regular pre-sleep regimen can also enhance the quality of your sleep, which in turn elevates your mood and general cognitive performance.

Even while routines have many advantages, it’s crucial to keep some flexibility. Strict schedule compliance might occasionally result in lost chances or more stress in the event of unforeseen circumstances. The idea is to establish a well-balanced schedule that offers structure but also permits flexibility and adaptation as needed.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Thank you for your contribution: Rita Nnamani

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