Sunday 6 October 2024

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 31. Limiting Beliefs? 

Empowering And Inspiring Generations

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Do you let your qualifications define you? If you studied Engineering, are you limited? 

An Engineer, for example, has multiple talents. 

With my interactions with qualified Engineers, some are medical doctors while some work in the financial sector. Some are politicians, while some are in academics. Some are entrepreneurs and some are Content Creators. Some are also lawyers, etc. 

Some people without academic qualifications also do great things. 

Richard Branson is a dyslexic, without a university education. He’s a millionaire or probably a billionaire. 

The founder of KFC made it big at about age 65. 

The founders of Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook probably didn’t complete formal education. 

The list could probably go on. If you put your mind to it, put in the work, pray, and leverage the right people, there’s a great chance of success. 

If they could do it, why couldn’t you?

32. Mentoring and Coaching 

Is there a need for mentoring and coaching? This could be formal or informal. This could be physical or digital. It could be manual, automated, or semi-automated. This shall be at different levels and at different prices. There shall be different payment options which could be full, or part sponsored. There shall be rewards and sanctions as well as review of processes, with realistic targets. Could you mentor? Could you be mentored? Could you make referrals? Could you collaborate? Could you make a difference? If you wish to discuss further, please visit Jack’s Mentoring 101 at 

33. Mindset 

Like they say mindset is the foundation of either boom or doom. If we get it right, sooner or later we will prosper and if otherwise, we will continue in misery. We could build those strong foundations and leverage the internet. We could curate content to add societal value. We could individually add those drops of water until it makes a mighty ocean, and if we don’t complete the job others could do. 

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As Engineers, we have multiple capabilities; a lot more than equations. We have a lot of skills, both latent and otherwise. Let’s dig into our reservoir and bring out the best in us. A lot of our compatriots excel in diaspora, and lot excel in Nigeria. Some of those that we serve abroad are not more qualified or knowledgeable than us. They have opportunity, systems, and the will to succeed. The situation in the country is dire. 

We could sit, blame everyone, and avoid the problems; or we could intentionally confront the problems with each of us making a contribution, and moving little steps in the right direction.

We believe a lot in prayers; could we make as part of an alternative anthem, praying for good leaders and followers and highlighting bad leaders and followers? Could we groom desirable leaders at different levels of the landscape? Be mindful that the Chinese or West, will not solve all our problems. In fact, what is paramount for them, is their interests. Hence, if we sleep for too long, we’ll lose all the resources that we think we own and much may not come out of it. We need to work on mindset across board and have self-belief in improving our collective tomorrow. We’re the best people to solve our problems. We know where it hurts and have the ways and means. We shouldn’t pass all the buck, sitting and watching; but be more engaged in finding lasting solutions.

Jack’s Mindset 

34. Monetisation 

There are different ways of monetising different parts of the value chain. Each of us is endowed with different capabilities. We could join resources to make it whole. Some leverage digital pursuits or physical pursuits, while some leverage both. The digital pursuit is my preference; it suits my personality, budget and my long-term goals. Making money isn’t usually straightforward or guaranteed. Most people pay prices in one form or another. Some pay for training or mentoring while others pay for mistakes; some pay through pain and sweat and others pay by being defrauded. Some pay through sleepless nights, and through professional fees.

If you’re properly guided, there’s a chance of greatly minimising or avoiding loses. Like they say, “nothing good comes easy.” You need to keep trying and learning until eventual success. After doing your best and exploring all options, if you still do not succeed, it may be time to count your losses and explore other opportunities. However, if you have a good business plan, the chances of failure are minimised. 

And remember that, if you fail you could create useful content and monetise for others to avoid your pitfalls.

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35. Outsourcing 

Each of us has different strengths and are a part of the jigsaw; some are creatives while others are entrepreneurial. Some are in the academics, while others are professional, some are artisans, etc. However, to make the puzzle whole, we need other components. We could collaborate or we could outsource. 

To outsource, you could leverage different freelance platforms on the internet e.g. Peopleperhour, Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, etc. You need to spell out your requirements clearly and will need to pay the freelancer as well as the platform. It’s a cost-effective way of getting things done. Please contact me if you require further information. 

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36. Platforms 

If you intend to pursue digital entrepreneurship, you could leverage different digital platforms to achieve your goals, such as Social Media, Podcast, Amazon, Membership Site, Blog, Whatsapp, Telegram etc.

Please contact me if you require further information. 

37. Resource Management 

Some resources are time, money, skills, network, exposure, good health, experience, privilege, etc. These are gifts from God. 

How do you manage them? Do you use them wisely? Do you squander them? Do you leverage them? Do you value them? Are you conscious of them? If you were to account for those gifts, will you pass or will you fail? Do you give these any thought or you’re happy enough living life and continuing the grind? 

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38. Spirituality

We cannot complete our Nigerian stories without including spirituality. 

Though we may be of different faiths, we’re apparently very religious. Some use it negatively and some abuse it. In my opinion, if properly leveraged, it could do you wonders. Most of the teachings are evergreen with lots of wisdom. It’s a tool that I leverage in good times as well as in difficult times.

39. Volunteering

In the context of work, volunteering is about offering your services for little or nothing. In the process, you could gain skills and experience; you could leverage networking opportunities, and it may even be a step in the door for employment. Though some people believe that volunteering is a waste of time and resources, in my opinion, it has great value. 

40. My Volunteering Experience

Here’s my brief volunteering journey; most of my volunteering was in the religious sector. I worked in different roles, such as public relations secretary, economic empowerment secretary, treasury secretary, fundraising administrator, etc. 

It was through volunteering that I found my purpose. Some of the other benefits gained were: confidence, networking opportunities, useful experience, interpersonal skills, leadership skills, enhanced spirituality, team working, etc. Consider watching my YouTube video: Is Voluntary Work Really Free? 

Jack Lookman’s Paperbacks 

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

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Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle 

Facebook group: Menteero

Youtube channel: Jack Lookman  

Facebook Community: Jack Lookman 

  • Courses by Jack Lookman Limited 
  • Becoming Organised
  • Mindset
  • Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+) 

  • Jack Lookman Limited Websites
  • Jack Lookman On Social media 
  • Jack Lookman Paperbacks

Books by Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman Limited Websites

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

Jack’s Mentoring 101  - 18+ only

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only 

Book A Chat With Jack Lookman 

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The change that we aim is generational.

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At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet. 

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