Tuesday 8 October 2024

41 - 50 Empowerment and Inspiration - Empowering And Inspiring Generations - Jack Lookman - Olayinka Carew - Jack Lookman Limited - Ire o

 41. Working on Teenagers

Empowering And Inspiring Generations

Buy - Empowerment and Inspiration - Empowering And Inspiring Generations - https://amzn.to/3N2TYfY

Is it important to invest in our teenagers and our youths, in order to have a better tomorrow? Are they too young? Will it take a lifetime? Will they grow in the blink of an eye? Could that tomorrow become yesterday? Or should we not bother? And watch the seashore flow? 

In my own little way, I create useful, practical and beneficial content. Some of them are paid and others are free. 

Please visit jacklookmanlimited.com  for the full range and also see our blog at: lifelessonsforteenagers.com 

42. Food For Thought

Do you drink more coffee or more pepper soup? Do you burn the midnight oil or do you enjoy the good life? Are your competitors drinking pepper soup or are they drinking coffee? 

If you had £1k, how will you spend it? Will you squander it? Will you donate to charity? Will you invest it? Will you give it to the religious cleric? Will you hand it to the village head? Will you invest in yourself? Will you buy plenty food? Will you do some or all of the above? Or do you have other ideas? 

Great International Money Transfers

Is there a chance that we could be re-colonised? Does the influx of the Chinese scare you? Does the state of our nation scare you? Do the never-ending debts scare you? Does the lack of plan and execution scare you? Does our productivity and mindset scare you? Do our ‘lovely’ politicians scare you? 

Is there fire on the mountain? Without it being addressed? Are we mortgaging our children’s future and expecting to rest in peace? Will we sit, complain, and do nothing, or will we reflect, brainstorm and take action? 

Does it really matter how big the action is? If we all contribute little drops of water, it may be enough for a future ocean? 

If we individually give 5% of our resources; be it money, time, skills, life experience, etc, in an organised way, it may not be long before it becomes whole.

43. Brain Waves

Most of us get brain waves regularly; do you get them sometimes, or most times? What do you do with them? Do you let the wind blow them away, or do you act on them? Do you share them? Or do you  collaborate with like minds? Do you document them? Do you wait until you’re forced to act? Will you take it to your grave? Benefiting neither you or anyone? Or will you do something positive, and make a a big difference? Do you commercialise it? And possibly monetise? Could those ideas of yours, make a difference between poverty and wealth? What will you do? 

44. Ego

Will you consider being mentored by a younger person who’s more knowledgeable in the subject of choice? Who’s of lesser social status? Who is less formally qualified? Or will your ego get in the way, letting you miss opportunities? This is the same one, that competitors will grab?

45. Silent Assets

Are you too old to learn? Are you too old to turn your life around and make a difference? Could you leverage your age, professional experience, life experience, and your network? Could you share best practices? Could you collaborate with like minds? Could you bring alive those brilliant ideas? Could you find societal problems and create solutions to them? 

If you can’t do it alone, could you collaborate? Are there people around the world who could benefit from your wisdom and knowledge? Or do you underrate your value, hoping the race of life will end? 

46. Good Company

Are you mindful of the company you keep, whether old or young? Do you get value from each other? Will they help you reach your potential or will they drag you down? Could a candle lose its light by lighting another? Could the company you keep, make or mar you? 

47. Opportunity

Have you ever come across a successful product? Have you thought, “I could do better,” but you haven’t the resources; or you’re preoccupied with other things? 

The playing field is now leveller; you could leverage the internet, crowdfunding, collaborators and investors and mentors

Could you explore your options? Or do you think that you’re too old to learn? Could an enabling environment make a difference? 

If the environment is right, could individuals thrive? Could you get out the best? Could the beneficiaries be loyal? Could a fairer society thrive? Could crime be minimised? Could it be better for one and all? What are your thoughts? 

48. Journalling

Do you journal or pen down creative thoughts? Do you capture those brain waves and work on them? Is it true that most people get brainwaves with loads of fantastic ideas? Is it also true that probably 5% or less make something of the ideas? 

Are you in the 5%? 

Do you create time to reflect and strategise? Do you do so weekly, monthly, yearly, etc? Could it generate great results? Could 2 hours of great reflection weekly or fortnightly propel you to greater heights? Is it too much to ask? 

Could you reflect on where you are and where you wish to be? Could you articulate plans and continue to perfect them? Could you consult others, those of greater knowledge? Could you invest in Mentors to make the journey fruitful? Could you kneel and pray for Divine intervention? Could you take action, by walking the talk? Or are you enjoying your comfort zone? And can’t be bothered any more?

49. Self Appraisal

Do you reflect on your strengths and weaknesses? Do you leverage your strengths? Do you get support in complimenting your weaknesses? Do you train yourself to overcome the weaknesses? Do you leverage training on the internet? Do you invest in courses on Udemy, etc? Do you invest in mentors and coaches? Especially the ones that resonate with you? Are you working intentionally, to be the best version of yourself? Or are you contended with where you are, sleeping and dreaming all the way? With no need to strive or act, taking each day as it comes.

50. Negative Mentoring Experience 

I once mentored an unemployed graduate for free. I partnered with a friend to deliver a session. We were up early on a Saturday morning just to add value to the motherland. As we spoke on the subject at hand, there appeared to be clarity at the other end. 

Only for the mentee ask, that we put all we discussed  in writing.

As a mentor, how will you react? Will you consider the mentee as unserious? Will you diligently transcribe the session? Will you terminate further sessions? Will you use text chats for future sessions? Will you charge the mentee for the transcription? Will you generalise the behaviour of other graduates? Will you charge for future mentoring? Will you create Terms and Conditions? What are your thoughts on free mentoring and giving back to the motherland? 

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Buy - Empowerment and Inspiration - Empowering And Inspiring Generations - https://amzn.to/3N2TYfY

Thank you for your contributions: John Tosin Adekunle 

Facebook group: Menteero

Youtube channel: Jack Lookman  

Facebook Community: Jack Lookman 


  • Courses by Jack Lookman Limited 
  • Becoming Organised
  • Mindset
  • Jack’s Mentoring 101 (18+)


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  • Jack Lookman Paperbacks

Books by Jack Lookman Limited 

Jack Lookman Limited Websites

Jack Lookman’s Social Media 

Jack’s Mentoring 101  - 18+ only

Business Collaboration With Jack Lookman - 18+ only



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The change that we aim is generational.

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At Jack Lookman Limited: Our mission is to Empower and Inspire Generations by leveraging the Internet. 

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