Saturday 19 October 2024

6. TIME MANAGEMENT FOR STUDENTS - Jack’s Undergraduate Empowerment - Empowering Undergraduates - Jack Lookman - Rita Nnamani - Ire o


For you to succeed academically and personally, effective time management is essential. It necessitates more than just making a calendar; it is about making the most of the time that is available to accomplish goals and preserve a positive work-life balance.

Becoming Organised

Setting priorities is the first step towards efficient time management. Students ought to acquire the ability to differentiate between pressing and significant assignments, employing methods such as the Eisenhower Matrix to arrange their duties. By utilising this method, less time is spent on less important activities and more time is spent on high-priority duties.

Establishing a planned timetable is essential, but it should also be adaptable enough to take unforeseen circumstances into account. You can schedule time for coursework, study sessions, extracurricular activities, and personal activities using paper or digital planners. Overwhelming assignments can be made more attainable by segmenting huge projects into smaller, more achievable jobs with clear deadlines.

Jack’s Empowerment 

Time management can be greatly enhanced by using efficient study strategies. By breaking up long workdays with little rests, the Pomodoro Technique can increase output and stave off burnout. Furthermore, recognising and getting rid of typical time wasters, like using social media excessively, might free up critical time for other crucial tasks.

Jack’s Mentoring 101

It is critical to keep in mind that good time management entails scheduling downtime for rest, leisure, and self-care. Retaining attention and avoiding burnout require regular pauses and enough sleep. Students can have a more balanced student life, lower stress levels, and better academic results by developing these time management skills.

Thank you very much for your time. 

This is Jack Lookman signing off. Ire o (I wish you blessings)

Ire kabiti (I wish you loads of blessings).

Thank you for your contribution: Rita Nnamani

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  • Becoming Organised
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